Wednesday, March 14, 2012

From the Moment I wake up its Mom!!!!

While I am fully aware that being a mother is demanding and I did chose this, it is still obnoxious when all you hear is MOM! Its never in a normal tone, or said just once. If they are mad its whinny and a bit high pitched, if they want my attention (of course always while I have my first solitary moment to myself) its MOM MOM MOM like I now no longer have ears that work. If its their father trying to convince me that this is my turn to either take out the dog or do some other motherly duty its a statement in a tone that is most annoying. For example "Mom someone needs a diaper!!!" Ok fully aware that they need a diaper u took the time to find me and point it out because?? 

Now from the moment I rise till the time my poor over worked under payed body hits the bed, its MOM. I am almost certain that the reason society portrayed Mothers as the crazy hair in curlers robe wearing coffee drinking maniacs is because there is some truth to it. I know in my case I wake up most days with the absolute certainty that the day will be long, and with out my coffee the day will be unbearable. So before I manage to get my self pretty or even dressed I zombie walk to the kitchen and get my much needed drink. Now in my current position it has been water (due to pregnancy) however with out that first sip of cold refreshing water I would not be able to make it 5 more minuets let alone all day. 

Even while I currently write this blog I am being attacked by a 2 year old with a belt that seemed like fun to put on my neck, and a puppy who just so badly wants me to focus on her and her sock toy. I heard mom about 5 times in the last 3 minuets and will most likely hear it at least 10 more before we actually fall asleep. Now lets actually research together the meaning and origin of the word mother.

Here are a few I found quite interesting:

 A female person who is pregnant with or gives birth to a child- as stated in the free dictionary online. 

OK lets address this one together giving birth alone in my opinion does not make you a Mom, it clearly however makes you a mother. To me the term mother is so much more then carrying a child and giving birth. Its the moments when you would rather be sleeping then getting up to make french toast for one kid, fried eggs for the other, and coffee for yourself. The nights that are sleepless because while their fever is slight and does not bother them you just cant stop touching them to be sure they are still breathing and fine.Or as stated above giving up every moment of your day to hear the magic words "Mom" even though they be the most annoying words you hear.

To watch over, nourish, and protect maternally- From the Free Online Dictionary 

Now this one I can agree with, the words say it all. Its a mothers job to watch over protect and nourish a child as well as nurture a child. All of the things we give up are worth it. Even hearing MOM 100 million times a day ( way over exaggerated) is a joy of parenting because some day those babes will grow up and they will have babes of their own and you my dear friend will earn a new title "Grandmother" given to us women because only a woman can bear all the responsibility of being a Friend, Mother, and wife and still be GRAND! 

So to all my mommies keep drinking coffee and locking your self in the bathroom so that you have 5 seconds of solitary because these moments are short and never last long enough.

With lots of Mommy Hugs and Kisses 
               Gayle <3


  1. Loved it!!!! I think all mothers who love and care for their children can relate
