Friday, March 16, 2012

The Love of a Child

So this week has been interesting to say the least, the first thing you learn when you become a parent is there are no definite answers in life. No exact reason things happen the way they do, you just learn to take every single blow in stride (or seemingly at least). Not necessarily because u chose to sometimes either but because other people are expecting you to be the strong one who bounces back from every single thing that happens with your hair neat and your smile still intact.

However the reality of the woman in general is most of us wear our heart on our sleeve when it comes to the people we love and allow in our lives. So it seems natural that those would be the people who hurt us most even if its accidental they have the power to pretty much break you down and break your heart. Now this is very true with children, they are the people we love before we ever see their little faces, before their beautiful first cry ever even hits our ears we love them unconditionally. So in perfect sense they break our hearts from the beginning. The first heart break is their very first shots, most mothers cry. The thought of their baby in pain just breaks them down. The second heartbreak is always their first accidental boo boo, even if a tiny scratch if they cry we most likely cry as well.

Now these are just the beginning it gets better. They begin to grow up and of course we think ah its got to get easier. Well it does, and it doesn't I unfortunately don't have any definitive answers as to when and if it gets better when they are completely grown considering my oldest is only 6 years old. However I do know that at this point is has not stopped, they continue to break my heart everyday. Never intentional I assure you. Its always small things, a "ugh I hate you" or a slammed door. Now most would call this pay back considering I said much worse as a teenager to my father who still continues to love me patiently to this very day. However if I had known a simple slammed door would hurt your heart so much I would of never even shut a door.

Now my whole point to this is all the times they break your heart there is relief. Its better then any activity or recreational drug you can find ( I think). Their love. Its a feeling you cant quite explain, its like you won the lotto everyday of your life. If im having a bad day I can always go to my girls hug and kiss them and my whole world is peaceful. They are like a shield to all the bad in the world, the love of a child is so unconditional and pure. Now I am saying this because just like any good thing you must take the bad. So all the slammed doors and temper tantrums are just a piece of the overall picture the small part you forget so easily with a simple smile, or giggle on the swing. I think in my opinion the best part of everyday are the parts that include my children even if it means I must endure a few "I Hate U" remarks from a very sassy almost 6 year old.

                                                  My Very Reason For Being <3

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