Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Bubbles and Sidewalk Chalk!

What is it about bubbles and sidewalk chalk that you never grow out of? I was pondering this exact thought yesterday when my children and I were playing. It seems like they are timeless, your never too old to enjoy them. This was the scene, I being the cool mom got out the bubbles and chalk and decided to allow them to play freely as I sat on the porch watching. At first I was engrossed in a good read, until their giggles erupted, I being curious looked up to see what was so funny. I was shocked at first considering they were simply popping the bubbles. Okay now while that seems like fun it wasn't something I thought I could laugh uncontrollably at. So like most adults I smirked and went back to my read until I heard even more laughter. Now this time I looked up and seen my 2 year old running in circles trying to eat the bubbles, okay now were talking this is funny. I laughed and instantly put my book down and walked over to play as well. I suggested to my 6 year old I now blow the bubbles, she agreed and handed a bubble container and wand.

Now the first few times I wasn't so good at making lots of bubbles (according to my children) so I practiced and wouldn't ya know it I got better. Soon I was pumping out bubbles like a pro. They loved it but honestly I think I was having more fun then them. The sight of my children playing and laughing at me simply blowing soapy water through a wand amused me more then anything. Now bubbles were fun but I was feeling like I was 6 again and had so much to show them with chalk. First we tried hop scotch, I forgot how much fun that is. Then we did our names and made lots of fun designs which again surprised me at how much fun it was. I was moving much faster at this point and I realized my kids were too interested in doing their own designs to care what I was doing. I looked around and they were no where near me yet here I sat still coloring with chalk. We sat there for quite some time coloring and playing it was honestly the most fun ive had in a while. So the question of the day is what childhood activities are just simply irresistible to you now as a adult? What is it about a simple thing like chalk and bubbles that interest us so much?

Resturants are NOT gymnasiums

So let me start by saying that my children are far from perfect and they have their moments, oh boy trust me they really do. In fact currently they are SO grounded for their behavior, however these things normally happen at home NOT in public. So the point of this being I work in the restaurant industry and let me tell ya kids run this world. I have seen kids literally throw such a fit their parents let them eat ice cream for dinner just to shut them up. I would say at least 3 out of 10 tables allow their kids to play on Ipads, Ipods, tablets, hand held video games, or a phone during and all through out dinner. Yet somehow we have no idea how they ever act out or how when they are 16 they have no sense of family unity! Seriously come on people get to know your kids, make them actually talk to you instead of encouraging them burring their cute little faces into technology.

Okay while that is just annoying to me because as a parent I know that kids have no idea what is best for them and it is our job as the adult to guide them and show them the way. There are many things that are just common sense. Such as behavior that is NOT acceptable. Lets start with screaming, if your child is behaving badly enough that no one wants to sit around you then its time to pack up and leave. A child does not understand nor grasp the concept that this is not acceptable if we do not show them first. So if you sit there and shhhh and please be good while handing them anything you can get your hands on the child is NOT learning this is not okay in fact they are learning hey I get what I want. So either take them to the bathroom for a quick break and explain to them this is not okay or if they cant understand that then leave. This is showing the child that we have consequences to our actions and we have to behave. 

My next point is really for the parents. Food throwing, okay okay I know all kids make a mess and I get it trust me mine make enough of their own. However once the child is old enough we must teach them the proper way to eat and that making a mess with items other then food is just as much unacceptable as food is. So parents its not cute to let them tear napkins and crush saltines all over the floor. YES we have to clean that up and no its not okay. It is just as unacceptable to allow them to order a wait person around. Your ten year old ordering her own food and demanding it be cooked to still be juicy with extra sauce and crisp potatoes is not cute but rather annoying especially when they do not say please or thank you.

That is my last point MANNERS when did we as a society forget to teach those? I am not referring to just at restaurants on this one. I am referring to every where. Your child when in public is a direct representation of what kid of parent you are. So when you child walks around cussing like a sailor and hanging with the "bad" crowd it makes it look like you are either  oblivious and blind or don't care about what your child is doing. We should be teaching them from the beginning that they are going to be expected to behave a certain way so that once they are the age of being out and about on their own they will make better decisions. Please and Thank You are great starters. I have begun to teach mine to say Yes Ma'am and Yes Sir I think that is getting back to the basics and will eventually help my children excel in life. So please be aware of your kids be aware of what they are doing and please keep in mind a restaurant is not a child's play ground. They are a direct reflection of your parenting. So if your kid is screaming, throwing food or turning a restaurant into a race track expect people to look at you like you are insane.

                                                                        From one parent to another

Friday, March 16, 2012

The Love of a Child

So this week has been interesting to say the least, the first thing you learn when you become a parent is there are no definite answers in life. No exact reason things happen the way they do, you just learn to take every single blow in stride (or seemingly at least). Not necessarily because u chose to sometimes either but because other people are expecting you to be the strong one who bounces back from every single thing that happens with your hair neat and your smile still intact.

However the reality of the woman in general is most of us wear our heart on our sleeve when it comes to the people we love and allow in our lives. So it seems natural that those would be the people who hurt us most even if its accidental they have the power to pretty much break you down and break your heart. Now this is very true with children, they are the people we love before we ever see their little faces, before their beautiful first cry ever even hits our ears we love them unconditionally. So in perfect sense they break our hearts from the beginning. The first heart break is their very first shots, most mothers cry. The thought of their baby in pain just breaks them down. The second heartbreak is always their first accidental boo boo, even if a tiny scratch if they cry we most likely cry as well.

Now these are just the beginning it gets better. They begin to grow up and of course we think ah its got to get easier. Well it does, and it doesn't I unfortunately don't have any definitive answers as to when and if it gets better when they are completely grown considering my oldest is only 6 years old. However I do know that at this point is has not stopped, they continue to break my heart everyday. Never intentional I assure you. Its always small things, a "ugh I hate you" or a slammed door. Now most would call this pay back considering I said much worse as a teenager to my father who still continues to love me patiently to this very day. However if I had known a simple slammed door would hurt your heart so much I would of never even shut a door.

Now my whole point to this is all the times they break your heart there is relief. Its better then any activity or recreational drug you can find ( I think). Their love. Its a feeling you cant quite explain, its like you won the lotto everyday of your life. If im having a bad day I can always go to my girls hug and kiss them and my whole world is peaceful. They are like a shield to all the bad in the world, the love of a child is so unconditional and pure. Now I am saying this because just like any good thing you must take the bad. So all the slammed doors and temper tantrums are just a piece of the overall picture the small part you forget so easily with a simple smile, or giggle on the swing. I think in my opinion the best part of everyday are the parts that include my children even if it means I must endure a few "I Hate U" remarks from a very sassy almost 6 year old.

                                                  My Very Reason For Being <3

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

From the Moment I wake up its Mom!!!!

While I am fully aware that being a mother is demanding and I did chose this, it is still obnoxious when all you hear is MOM! Its never in a normal tone, or said just once. If they are mad its whinny and a bit high pitched, if they want my attention (of course always while I have my first solitary moment to myself) its MOM MOM MOM like I now no longer have ears that work. If its their father trying to convince me that this is my turn to either take out the dog or do some other motherly duty its a statement in a tone that is most annoying. For example "Mom someone needs a diaper!!!" Ok fully aware that they need a diaper u took the time to find me and point it out because?? 

Now from the moment I rise till the time my poor over worked under payed body hits the bed, its MOM. I am almost certain that the reason society portrayed Mothers as the crazy hair in curlers robe wearing coffee drinking maniacs is because there is some truth to it. I know in my case I wake up most days with the absolute certainty that the day will be long, and with out my coffee the day will be unbearable. So before I manage to get my self pretty or even dressed I zombie walk to the kitchen and get my much needed drink. Now in my current position it has been water (due to pregnancy) however with out that first sip of cold refreshing water I would not be able to make it 5 more minuets let alone all day. 

Even while I currently write this blog I am being attacked by a 2 year old with a belt that seemed like fun to put on my neck, and a puppy who just so badly wants me to focus on her and her sock toy. I heard mom about 5 times in the last 3 minuets and will most likely hear it at least 10 more before we actually fall asleep. Now lets actually research together the meaning and origin of the word mother.

Here are a few I found quite interesting:

 A female person who is pregnant with or gives birth to a child- as stated in the free dictionary online. 

OK lets address this one together giving birth alone in my opinion does not make you a Mom, it clearly however makes you a mother. To me the term mother is so much more then carrying a child and giving birth. Its the moments when you would rather be sleeping then getting up to make french toast for one kid, fried eggs for the other, and coffee for yourself. The nights that are sleepless because while their fever is slight and does not bother them you just cant stop touching them to be sure they are still breathing and fine.Or as stated above giving up every moment of your day to hear the magic words "Mom" even though they be the most annoying words you hear.

To watch over, nourish, and protect maternally- From the Free Online Dictionary 

Now this one I can agree with, the words say it all. Its a mothers job to watch over protect and nourish a child as well as nurture a child. All of the things we give up are worth it. Even hearing MOM 100 million times a day ( way over exaggerated) is a joy of parenting because some day those babes will grow up and they will have babes of their own and you my dear friend will earn a new title "Grandmother" given to us women because only a woman can bear all the responsibility of being a Friend, Mother, and wife and still be GRAND! 

So to all my mommies keep drinking coffee and locking your self in the bathroom so that you have 5 seconds of solitary because these moments are short and never last long enough.

With lots of Mommy Hugs and Kisses 
               Gayle <3

Welcoming Me!!!

So I decided to start a online blog today because it seems too many of us Moms forget who we are as soon as we become a mother. Like take me for instance I used to love to write, whether it be a short story, a poem, or even just my thoughts in a journal. Well almost 6 years ago that all changed when I was blessed with my first beautiful daughter. It became all about her. Since then I have been blessed with 2 other beautiful daughters (4, and 2) and now a little boy on the way in 7 short weeks. While I love them and would be willing to do anything for them I think its important to be a well balance mother. So to conclude that statement I am starting this blog as a special place for me to vent and share my thoughts. I figure this will not only be for myself but for others as well who may feel the same way I do. I am going to cover lots of stuff and this could be a pretty fun journey considering some of my thoughts are simplistic and some cover depth. So stay tuned for many to come I look forward to our journal together : )

With tons of Mommy hugs and Kisses
              Gayle <3